« la plus parfaite de toutes les oeuvres d’art est l’édification d’une vraie liberté politique » Friedrich Schiller

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Les Etats-Unis et l’Europe doivent avoir le courage de rejeter la géopolitique et de collaborer avec les BRICS

4 avril 2015

A l’ère nucléaire, une politique d’affrontement avec la Russie et la Chine ne peut que conduire à l’extinction de notre espèce. Par conséquent, aucun effort ne doit être épargné pour coopérer afin de résoudre les multiples crises auxquelles fait face l’humanité.

Les pays des BRICS (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine et Afrique du Sud) se sont alliés pour mener une politique de développement économique, non seulement pour leur propre intérêt, mais au bénéfice des peuples de toutes les nations. A cette fin, ils ont créé une Nouvelle banque de développement (NBD) pour investir des milliards dans des projets de développement utiles.

La Chine a récemment lancé la Banque asiatique d’investissement dans les infrastructures (AIIB), dont plus de vingt pays d’Asie sont devenus membres fondateurs, et créé un Fonds de développement pour la Route de la soie.

Lors de la conférence de l’APEC à Pékin, le président chinois Xi Jinping a invité le président Obama à se joindre aux efforts de la Chine et d’autres pays asiatiques, dont la Russie, pour développer la Nouvelle route de la soie.

Ces initiatives ne sont pas de nature géopolitique. Contrairement au Partenariat transpacifique (TTP prôné par Barack Obama, qui exclut la Russie et la Chine), les initiatives prises par les BRICS, y compris le partenariat de libre-échange de l’Asie-Pacifique (FTAAP), sont inclusives. Elles reposent sur le concept défendu par le pape Paul VI, selon lequel « le nouveau nom de la paix est le développement ». Ainsi, lors du récent sommet du G20 en Australie, Xi Jinping et le Premier ministre indien Modi ont tous deux évoqué le double objectif de parvenir à la paix mondiale et de mettre fin à la pauvreté par le développement économique.

Il n’existe aucun problème au monde qui ne puisse être résolu par une telle approche, et inversement, aucun problème ne sera résolu sans elle.

Une telle coopération entre l’Europe, les Etats-Unis, la Russie, la Chine et l’Inde, entre autres, est également nécessaire pour vaincre la pandémie d’Ebola en Afrique.

Le terrorisme représenté par Daech (Etat islamique) et Al-Qaïda vise aussi bien la Russie, la Chine et l’Inde que l’Europe et les Etats-Unis. On ne pourra le neutraliser que dans le cadre d’une nouvelle architecture de sécurité fondée sur la coopération.

La politique consistant à lancer des « révolutions de couleur » sous prétexte d’instaurer la démocratie est une politique de guerre, même si le terme n’est pas employé, car son objectif est de renverser des gouvernements à l’aide de financements étrangers. Cela doit cesser. La campagne de sanctions contre la Russie, en raison de son opposition à ces révolutions de couleur et au coup d’Etat nazi en Ukraine, ne fait qu’exacerber la crise globale. Par contre, une approche basée sur la coopération mutuelle afin de réaliser les objectifs communs de l’humanité, en Eurasie et au-delà, créerait la base d’une paix mondiale.

Alors que les Etats-Unis ont abandonné le programme spatial de Kennedy, les Chinois ont entrepris un programme lunaire prévoyant d’exploiter l’hélium-3 présent sur notre satellite, en vue de générer l’énergie de fusion thermonucléaire de manière pratiquement illimitée.

Dans le cadre d’une coopération entre l’Europe, les Etats-Unis, la Russie, la Chine, l’Inde et d’autres nations, l’humanité pourrait enfin réaliser la vision de Johannes Kepler, celle de la maîtrise des lois du système solaire au bénéfice de l’homme.

Seule cette approche pourrait ramener l’Europe et les Etats-Unis à leur dessein historique, exprimé respectivement dans la Renaissance européenne et la Révolution américaine. Ce grand dessein, auquel l’Europe et les Etats-Unis tournent le dos chaque jour un peu plus, le reste du monde l’a aujourd’hui adopté et leur enjoint de s’y rallier à nouveau.

Nous appelons donc l’Europe et les Etats-Unis à abandonner leurs géopolitiques suicidaires du passé, qui furent à l’origine de deux guerres mondiales et nous mènent à une troisième, afin de bâtir un avenir pour toute l’humanité en adoptant de nouveau le principe du Traité de Westphalie. Ce Traité fonde la politique étrangère sur le principe de « l’avantage d’autrui », qui mit fin à la guerre de Trente ans en Europe, et sur le concept élaboré par le président américain John Quincy Adams d’une « communauté de principes entre Etats souverains ».

C’est la seule voie cohérente avec la vraie nature de l’homme en tant que seule espèce créatrice. Toute autre voie partant du concept suivant lequel l’homme n’est qu’un animal conduirait l’humanité à sa perte.

Patriotes de nos propres nations et citoyens du monde, nous appelons nos compatriotes et nos dirigeants à avoir le courage de rompre avec le cycle actuel de bestialité croissante, en acceptant l’offre généreuse de coopération que nous font les BRICS.

Signez l’appel en ligne.

Liste des personnalités signataires.


  • Georges Beriachvili, Pianiste classique (Paris)
  • Jean-Paul Brignoli, Maire d’Omey, Marne
  • Claude Champaud, Président honoraire de l’Université de Rennes, Président du conseil scientifique du Fonds pour la recherche sur la Doctrine de l’entreprise (Rennes)
  • Marc Chautemps, Maire de Gemeaux, Côte-d’Or
  • Jacques Cheminade, Président de Solidarité et Progrès (Paris)
  • Gérard Coinchelin, Adjoint au maire de Denipaire, Vosges
  • Col. (ret) Alain Corvez, conseiller en stratégie internationale, ancien conseiller du Général commandant la Force des Nations unies au Sud Liban (Finul) (France)
  • Pierre Eboundit, Président de la Ligue Panafricaine - Umoja (Reims)
  • Evrard Garnier, Maire de Lorignac, Charente-Maritime
  • Alain Giletti, ancien Champion de patinage artistique (Tours)
  • Michel Guerin, Économiste et consultant, maîtrise des systèmes complexes (Paris)
  • Deva Koumarane, Poète et enseignant des Études Indiennes (Rambouillet)
  • Jean-Yves Lapeyrere, Maire de Mijoux, Ain
  • Dominique Le Louarn, Diplomate retraité, Ile-de-France
  • Jean-Pierre Luminet, Auteur, Astrophysicien au Laboratoire d’astrophysique de Marseille
  • Jacques Martin, Ancien directeur du groupe des Écoles de commerce nantaises - ENSEC - ENCIA - ENACOM et ancien directeur de l’association Promonates (Nantes)
  • Charles Paperon, Ancien combattant volontaire de la Résistance (Brest)
  • Eugene Perez, Maire de Chamouilley, Haute-Marne
  • Jean-Louis Perrault, Maître de conférences à l’Université de Rennes 1, spécialité « relations économiques internationales » & « économie industrielle »
  • Catherine Plantevin, Archéologue, INRAP (Lyon)
  • Ali Rastbeen, Président de l’Académie Géopolitique de Paris (Paris)
  • Dr. Louis Reymondon, Chirurgien honoraire des Hôpitaux de France ; Président de ViêtnAmitié (association d’amitié franco-viêtnamienne)
  • Jean-Jacques Seymour, Journaliste radio (Paris)
  • Bernard Sutter, Maire de Sternenberg, Haut-Rhin
  • Bassam Tahhan, Franco-Syrien Professeur de Géostratégie, École Nationale supérieure des Techniques Avancées (Paris)


  • Julio C. González, former Secretary of State of the Argentine Republic ; University Professor (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Carlos Alberto Baltazar Perez Galindo, Attorney (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Prof. Dr. H.C. Peter Bachmeier, Austria-Belarus Society (Vienna, Austria)
  • Prof. Reinhard Kleinknecht, Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Koechler, President, International Progress Organization (Vienna, Austria)
  • Michael Machura, Counsellor and Engineer, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsrat (Austria)
  • Dr. Harold Raffay, (Vienna, Austria)
  • Professor Karl Socher, Professor Emeritus University of Innsbruck, Institute for Economic Theory, Political Economy (Innsbruck, Austria)
  • David Comissiong, President, Clement Payne Movement ; Former Senator, Government of Barbados ; Former Director, Commission for Pan-African Affairs, Government of Barbados (Barbados)
  • Lode Vanoost, Former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament (1999-2003), Sint-Genesius, (Belgium)
  • María Luz Navarrete Alarcón, Vice President for Social Security of Aquí la Gente Citizens Movement (Santiago, Chile)
  • David Gontar, Adjunct Professor of English and Philosophy, Inner Mongolia University (China)
  • Jhon Jairo Jaramillo, Liberal Arts Professor, University of el Valle (Colombia)
  • Carlos Julio Diaz Lotero, General Director, National Trade Union School, Unified Workers Federation (CUT) (Medellin, Colombia)
  • Hugo Andersen, Director, Taarnby Karroserifabrik (Taamby, Denmark)
  • John Scales Avery, Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Copenhagen ; Chairman of The Danish Peace Academy ; Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (Denmark)
  • Anika Telmányi Lylloff, Classical Violinist (Denmark)
  • Mohammed Mafoud, Head of Danish-Syrian Union (Denmark)
  • Thomas Grønlund Nielsen, Physics Lecturer, Herlufsholm Skole (Denmark)
  • Jens Jorgen Nielsen, Lecturer, Niels Brock Business School (Denmark)
  • Ole Skjold, former director, Ole Skjold ApS (Frederikssund, Denmark)
  • Erling Svendsen, Former President, Danish Wheat Growers Association (Hvalso, Denmark)
  • Ole Valentin-Hjorth, Economist (Denmark)
  • Alexis Ponce, Defender of Human Rights (Ecuador)
  • Jorge Washington Núñez Sánchez, Former President of the Association of Latin American Historians (Quito, Ecuador)
  • Dr. Johannes Maria Becker, Privatdozent Phillips University, Center for Conflict Studies (Marburg, Germany)
  • Wolfgang Effenberger, Publicist (Bavaria, Germany)
  • Anatol Graf, Federal Council for the Integration of Germans from Russia (Berlin, Germany)
  • Dr. Josef Gruber, Professor Emeritus (Hagen, Germany)
  • Uwe Heimrich, Mayor (Thueringen, Germany)
  • Martin Hoffman, Lawyer, German India Round Table (Leipzig, Germany)
  • Prof. Helmut Keutner, Beuth Hochschule fuer Technik (Berlin, Germany)
  • Erika Herbrig, Former Director of the Historical Memorial Site of the Potsdam Agreements (Cecilienhof, Germany)
  • Dipl.-Ing. Enayetullah Ishaqzay, Economist (Goettingen, Germany)
  • Ekaterina Medvedeva-Schwerbock, Actress (Berlin, Germany)
  • Alena Petrova, General Director, Art Assemblee Agency, GmbH (Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany)
  • Ronald Regolien, Journalist (Ravensberg, Germany)
  • Dorothea Schleifenbaum, County Councilwoman Siegen-Wittgenstein (Siegen, Germany)
  • Dr. Kurt Schumann, Embassy Counselor, a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
  • H. C. von Sponeck, Former U.N. Assistant Secretary General (Germany)
  • Dr. Hermann Schwiesau, Ambassador a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
  • Dr. Gallus Strobel, Mayor, Triberg Germany (Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany)
  • Dmitris Tzamouranis, Greek visual artist (Berlin, Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Carl-Otto Weiss, Research Director at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Braunschweig, Germany)
  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder, Schiller Institute (Wiesbaden, Germany)
  • Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador (ret), Member of the Political Secretariat of United People’s Front (Greece)
  • Panos Kammenos, President of the Independent Greeks, Member of the Hellenic Parliament (Athens, Greece)
  • Lefteris Karayannis, Ret. Ambassador, Diplomatic advisor to Panos Kammenos (Athens, Greece)
  • Theodore Katsanevas, Chairman of the Drachma 5 Party​ (Athens, Greece)
  • General (ret) Konstantinos Konstantinides, one of the founders of Generals Against Nuclear War (Greece)
  • Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis, Chairman, 6th International Tsunami Symposium ; President Tsunami Society International (Greece)
  • Philippos Tsalides, Professor of Electronics, Democritus University of Thrace, President of the Institute of Geopolitical Studies “National Regeneration” (Xanthi, Greece)
  • Dr. George Tsobanoglou, Vice President, International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Sociotechnics & Sociological Practice (Greece)
  • Jacques Bacamurwanko, Former Ambassador of Burundi to the United States, (Conakry, Guinea)
  • Yufang Guo, Chairman, Jomec International (Rotterdam, Holland)
  • Dr. Vinod Saighal, Executive Director, Eco Monitors Society (New Delhi, India)
  • Arun Shrivastava, author (New Dehli, India)
  • Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Research Scholar, Program Science and Global Security Princeton University, Former Iranian Ambassador to Germany, Former Head of the Foreign Relations Committee of Iran’s National Security Council (Iran)
  • Eugene Douglas, Editor, LaRouche Irish Brigade (Armagh, Ireland)
  • Antonella Banaudi, Opera Singer (Sanremo, Italy)
  • Luca Bertoni, Secretary, Lomardi-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
  • Gabriele Chiurli, Member, Tuscany Regional Council (Arezzo, Italy)
  • Prof. Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, University of Salento (Lecce, Italy)
  • Gianmatteo Ferrari, Vice-President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
  • Nino Galloni, Economist (Rome, Italy)
  • Alfonso Gianni, Director of the Cercare Ancora Foundation (Rome, Italy)
  • Pietro Giubilo, Former Mayor, Rome (Rome, Italy)
  • Tiberio Graziani, President, Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
  • Paolo Grimoldi, Member of the Italian Parliament, Founder of the Parliamentary group, “Friends of Putin” (Carugate, Italy)
  • Giacomo Guarini, Administrative Director, Institute for High Studies of Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
  • Prof. Giulio Sapelli, Economist, University of Milan (Milan, Italy)
  • Gianluca Savoini, President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
  • Enzo Siviero, Member of the Italian National Council of Universities (Padua, Italy)
  • Valentina Iorio Tomasetti, City Councilwoman (Galliate Lombardo, Italy)
  • Marcello Vichi, Author, Transaqua, an Idea for the Sahel, Former Director Foreign Department, Bonifica Engineering Company, IRI Group (Rome, Italy)
  • Daisuke Kotegawa, Former Japanese Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (Tokyo, Japan)
  • Yim Sungbin, Former Secretary to the President of the Republic of Korea for Climate and Environment (Republic of Korea)
  • Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World (Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)
  • Luis Benito Acosta Jiménez, Agronomist, Director General, Agronomy Federation of Mexico City (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
  • Carlos Arellano Palma, Architectural engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
  • Esteban Palma Bautista, Civil engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
  • Gaston Pardo-Pérez, journatlist, Reseau Voltaire (Veracruz, Mexico)
  • Rosa Elia Romero Guzmán, Mexican Federal Congresswoman (Oaxaca, Mexico)
  • José Francisco Rosales Argüello, Vice President of Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean, Justice Nicaragua Supreme Court (Nicaragua)
  • Mario Rognoni, Journalist, Businessman, Engineer (Panama City, Panama)
  • Julio A. Mendoza, architect, President of the Chamber of Housing and Infrastructure of Paraguay (Paraguay)
  • Sergei Cherkasov, Deputy Director for Research, State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
  • Guzel A. Danukalova, Institute of Geology, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa, Russia)
  • Roman Krivonos, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
  • Victor Kuzin, Head of Moscow Bureau for the Defense of Human Rights without Borders (Moscow, Russia)
  • Olga Mekhtieva, Teacher of English Literature (Moscow, Russia)
  • Stanislav N. Nekrasov, professor ; Chairman, International Legal and Futurological Information Agency (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
  • Alexander D. Petrushin, Institute for Demography, Migration, and Regional Development (Moscow, Russia)
  • Sergey Pulinets, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
  • Prof. Marietta Stepanyants, UNESCO Chair for Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures, Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia)
  • Sergei V. Zaitsev, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka, Russia)
  • Naeem Shakir, Supreme Court Attorney of Pakistan (Lahore, Pakistan)
  • Olga Zinovieva, Co-Chairman Rossiya Segodnya Ziniviev Club (Moscow, Russia)
  • Prof. Dr. Ana Langovic Milicevic, Faculty of Art and Design, Megatrends University (Belgrade, Serbia)
  • Jan Cernogursky, former dissident of Czechoslovakia, former Justice Minister, Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
  • Javier Otazu Ojer, Economics Professor, UNED in Pamplona (Pamplona, Spain)
  • Fructuoso Rodríguez Morales, retired transport union leader (Las Cannarias, Spain)
  • Sebastian Martin, Director, Noticanarias.com (Puerto del Rosario, Islas Canarias, Spain)
  • Fahrie Hassan, The Film Club (Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Leena Malkki-Guignard, producer and opera singer, Operafabriken (Malmo, Sweden)
  • Greger Ahlberg, architect (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Alfonso Tuor, Journalist, Economist, (Lugano, Switzerland)
  • Mustafa Acar, Professor, Dr. Rector, Aksaray University (Aksaray, Turkey)
  • Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross, Mother Superior at the Monastery and Convent of St. James the Mutilated (Qara, Syria)
  • Vladimir R. Marchenko, Confederation of Labor of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
  • Natalia M. Vitrenko, Doctor of Economics ; Chairman, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
  • Mike Robinson, Editor, UK Column (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
  • Dr. Daya Thussu, Co-Director, India Media Center, University of Westminster (United Kingdom)
  • Roman Rojas Cabot, Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the European Union and to Guyana (Caracas, Venezuela)


  • George Albantov, Co-Founder, Vice President of the Russian-American Youth Association (Seattle, WA)
  • Rep. Rodney Alexander, former U.S. Congressman (Monroe, Louisiana)
  • John Rich Anderson, Former Director, Texas and Southwest Cattle Ranchers Association (Gale, TX)
  • Dr. Raymond Armstrong, Monroe City Council, District 1 (Monroe, LA)
  • Edward Asner, Actor (Valley Village, California)
  • Morad Abou-Sabe, Arab American League of Voters of NJ (Monroe, NJ)
  • Amer Aboud, Syrian American Forum (Chicago, Illinois)
  • Fidel Acevedo, Co-Chair, Progressive Hispanic Caucus, Texas Democratic Party (Texas)
  • Ramatu Ahmed, Founder, Federation of African Muslim Women in America (Bronx, NY)
  • Syed Hossain Babu, Actor, Director, Screen Writer (Los Angeles, CA)
  • John D. Baker, MSG, United States Army (ret.), President, CEO, Tubamiurm Productions (Maryland)
  • Roseanne Barr, Comedienne and former Presidential candidate, Peace and Freedom Party (Hawaii)
  • Nathaniel Batchelder, Director, Oklahoma City Peace House (Oklahoma City, OK)
  • Roland L. Beanum, Economic Adviser to Papua New Guinea (Valley Center, California)
  • Rev. Alonzo Bell, Pastor, Martin Evans Missionary Baptist Church (Detroit, MI)
  • Edith Bell, Coordinator, Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • Robert Beltran, Actor, Director (Los Angeles, CA)
  • James Benham, State President, Indiana National Farmers Union (Versailles, IN)
  • Prof. Cyrus Bina, Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota (Morris, MN)
  • George Bioletto, International Association of Machinist Trustee (Long Beach, CA)
  • Kofi A. Boateng, PhD, African Federation Inc. (Ossing, NY)
  • Charles H. Borowsky, M.D., President and Founder, Intermuse (Baltimore, MD)
  • Elena Branson, President, Russian Center NY (New York, NY)
  • Mark Bush, CEO SouthOil (Houston, TX)
  • Douglas Caddy, attorney (Houston, TX)
  • Bernard Casey, Former President of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (2014) (San Jose, CA)
  • Howard Chang, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering (ret) San Diego State University (CA)
  • Victor Chang, Retired Professor University of Southern California, Director, Institute of Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Bishop Juan Carlos, Pastor, President, CEO, Centro Cristiano Bet-El (South Gate, CA)
  • Rep. Donna Christensen, former Delegate of the U.S. Virgin Islands to Congress 1997-2014 (U.S. Virgin Islands)
  • Wang Chung Ping, President, Institute Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Frank Cattone, Secretary, Monmouth County, N.J. Constitution Party (New Jersey, USA)
  • Ramsey Clark, United States Attorney General 1967-69 (New York, NY)
  • Jaime Contreras, Las Vegas Chapter Coordinator, Labor Council For Latin American Advancement
  • Hal Cooper, Engineer, Seattle Freight Transportation Division Advisory Board (Seattle, WA)
  • Professor Mark Crispin, Author, Professor of Media Studies, New York University (New York, NY)
  • Brian Crowell, Shop Steward (fmr) American Federation of Teachers Local 1078 (Berkley, CA)
  • Dr. Fred Dallmayr, Co-Chair, World Public Forum—Dialogue of Civilizations (South Bend, IN)
  • Fr. Richard F. Davidson, FSGG (Franciscan Servants of God’s Grace) (New Jersey, USA)
  • Dr. Bill Deagle, Genesis Communication Network, Host, Nutri-Medical Report (California)
  • Stephen P. DeGot, Ecoban Securities Corp. (New York, NY)
  • T. Herbert Dimmock, Founder and Music Director of the Bach Concert Series (Baltimore, MD)
  • Judge Jim Dimos, Former Speaker of the Louisiana State House of Representatives, Retired (Monroe, LA)
  • Edwin Edwards, former Governor of Louisiana (Louisiana)
  • E. Leopold Edwards, retired faculty Howard University (Washington, DC)
  • James H. Fetzer, PhD, McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota (Duluth, Minn.)
  • James Fox, President, American Fertilizer Trade, LLC (Great Neck, NY)
  • Frank Foulkrod, Vice-Chair, Philadelphia Chapter, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Congressman Cornelius Gallagher, U.S. Congressman 1959-1973 (New Jersey)
  • Habib Ghanim, Sr., President, D.C. Halal Chamber of Commerce. (Silver Spring, MD)
  • Donald Gibson, Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, author (Greensburg, PA)
  • Henry C. Gonzalez, Mayor of South Gate, California, Founder and Former President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (South Gate, CA)
  • Senator Mike Gravel, Former U.S. Senator from Alaska 1969-1981 (Burlingame, CA)
  • Lisa Gray, Chair, North American Chinese Coalition (NACC) (Michigan, USA)
  • Dennis W. Grubb, Director, Investia, Ltd. Development, Finance Expert (Washington, DC)
  • Nitin Gujaran, President, Association for India’s Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
  • Don Hank, Editor-in-Chief, Laigle’s Forum (USA)
  • David Hartsough, Peaceworkers (San Francisco, CA)
  • Cathy M. Helgason, MD, Professor of Neurology (retired) University of Illinois College of Medicine (Chicago, Illinois)
  • George C. Hillman, MBA, american entrepreneur (Boston, Massachusetts)
  • Jim Hogue, host, WGDR radio (Plainfield, Vermont)
  • Lok Home, president, Robbins Co. (Solon, Ohio)
  • Thomas Hoverston, Former Columbia County Republican Party Chairman (Lodi, Wisconsin)
  • Hunter Huang, president, National Association for China’s Peaceful Unification (Washington, DC)
  • Fred Huenefeld, member, Louisiana State Democratic Party Central Committee (Monroe, LA)
  • Rep. Thomas Jackson, State Representative, Alabama (Alabama)
  • Ralph Johnson, nuclear engineer (Seattle, WA)
  • Rep. Constance Johnson, Oklahoma State Senator (ret.) District 48 (Oklahoma)
  • Sam Kahl, District Leader, Democratic Party of Multnomah County Oregon (Portland, OR)
  • Lateef Kareem-Bey, God’s Army for the Advancement of All People (Americus, GA)
  • Fred Kaviani, surface transportation systems sales manager, Monogram Systems (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Sang Joo Kim, Founder and Director, Institute for Korean-American Studies (Washington, D.C.)
  • Frank Kloucek, Former State Senator (South Dakota, USA)
  • Keerthana Krishnan, Executive Director, Association for India’s Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
  • Father Labib Korbi, Former Priest of St. Thomas More Church, Founder of Al-Bushra website (San Francisco, California)
  • George Krasnow, President, Russian-American Goodwill Association
  • Dr. Ernest L. Johnson, President, NAACP Louisiana State Conference (Baton Rouge, LA)
  • Lyndon H. LaRouche, Economist, Statesman, former Presidential candidate (Round Hill, VA)
  • Eric Larsen, author, The Skull of Yorick : The Emptiness of American Thinking (New York, NY)
  • Stephen Lendman, Author and Radio Host (Chicago, Illinois)
  • LaMar Lemmons III, Detroit Board of Education ; former member Michigan House of Reps. (Detroit, MI)
  • Anges Lin, Senior Research Scientist in Education and Information Studies (Los Angeles, California)
  • Dr. Edward Lozansky, PhD, President & Founder, American University in Moscow ; Founder, World Russia Forum (Washington, DC)
  • Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist ; Publisher and Editor, The Wayne Madsen Report
  • Clyde Magarelli, Former Director of War Studies, William Paterson College, Author, Professor of Sociology (USA)
  • Vance McAllister, Former U.S. Representative 2013-14 (Monroe, LA)
  • Joaquin Meneses, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (Los Angeles, LA)
  • Theo Mitchell, Esq., Former State Senator (Greenville, SC)
  • Jeff Monroe, State Senator (South Dakota, USA)
  • Somnath Mukherji, Volunteer, Association for India’s Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
  • Rep. Mike Manypenny, Member, West Virginia House of Delegates (West Virginia)
  • Marie Martin, Stop Mass Incarceration (Inglewood, CA)
  • Thomas Grolund Miner, Chairman and CEO of Thomas H. Miner Associates, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois)
  • Saket Mishra, Volunteer, Association for India’s Development, MIT (Boston, Massachusetts)
  • Anthony Morss, Music Director & Principal Conductor of the New Jersey Association of Verismo Opera, Inc. (New York, NY)
  • Dr. Michael Nagler, Professor Emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature, University of California Berkeley ; Founder, Peace and Conflict Studies Program, U.C. Berkeley ; Founder and President, Metta Center for Nonviolence (Tomales, CA)
  • Robert Newton, former Vice President Communications Workers of America Local 2252 (Oakton, VA)
  • Perry Owens, National Beef Board (Minneapolis, Kansas)
  • Rev. Michael L. Pastrikos, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (Baltimore, MD)
  • Alexandre Perrinelle, Russian Community Activist (West Hollywood, CA)
  • Larry Pinkney, Black Activist Writers Guild (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
  • Nomi Prins, Author All the Presidents’ Bankers : The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Elisha B. Pulivarti, Vice-President, Maryland India Business Roundtable, Inc. (College Park, MD)
  • Ganga P. Ramdas, PhD, MA, MS, Professor of Economics, Lincoln University (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Earl D. Rasmussen, P.E., Executive Vice President Eurasia Center, Lt. Colonel (ret) U.S.Army (Falls Church, VA)
  • Phillip Restino, VFP 136, chapter co-chair, Central Florida, Vets for Peace (Daytona, Florida)
  • Priscilla Roche, Nevada State Director, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) (Las Vegas, NV)
  • Kesha Rogers, Democratic Nominee for Congress TX-22 (2010, 2012), former candidate for US Senate (Texas)
  • Natalie Sabelnik, Russian-American community leader (San Francisco, California)
  • Ranjani Saigal, Executive Director, Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of the USA (Burlington, MA)
  • Dr. Jose I. Sangerman, PhD, Biologics Researcher (Boston, Massachusetts)
  • Keith L. Shaffer, former President IAM local 1784 (Baltimore, Maryland)
  • Prashant Shah, Publisher, India Tribune (Chicago, Illinois)
  • Vaithilingam Shanmuganathan, National Committee Member, Liberal Party of Sri Lanka ; Secretary General, Liberal Democratic Workers Union of Sri Lanka ; Former Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Azusa, California)
  • Trilochan Singh, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan
  • Randy Sowers, owner, South Mountain Creamery USA)
  • Sean Stone, Filmmaker (New York, NY)
  • Johannes Strohschank, Author, Member Board of Directors, Friends of Max Kade Society, Professor of German Studies, University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI)
  • Baifeng Sun, Director, The Confucius Institute, UMASS Boston (Massachusetts)
  • Rep. Rosemarie Swanger, retired Pennsylvania State Representative. (Pennsylvania)
  • Harold Taylor, Former Black Panther Party member, ex-Defendant in the San Francisco Eight Trial (Panama City, FL)
  • Dr. John Telford, Superintendent (retired) Detroit Public Schools (Detroit, Michigan)
  • Michele Thomas, Photographer and Constitutional Activist (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Igor Trofimov, Vice-President, Russian-American Chamber of Commers (New York, NY)
  • Magalis Troncoso, Director and Founder of the Dominican Development Center (Boston, MA)
  • Sean Turnbull, SGT Report (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
  • Judith Van Dyke, United Association of Entrepreneurs (New York)
  • Bob Van Hee, Alderman, Former City Council President (Redwood Falls, Minn.)
  • Anil Verma, President, Anil Verma Associates, Inc. (Los Angeles, California)
  • Pat Wadsworth, former Chair and current Secretary, Grays Harbor Democrats (Grays Harbor, WA)
  • Vince Weldon, retired aerospace engineer, designer of components for Apollo and Space Shuttle missions (Seattle, WA)
  • Dr. Cornel West, Author, Activist, Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice : Union Theological Seminary ; Professor Emeritus : Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
  • Fred Wimberley, Member of the Bargaining Committee, Service Employees International Union Local 721 (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Captain James H. Whitley, Jr., Battalion Fire Chief, Washington, D.C. Fire Department (Mitchellville, MD)
  • Lynn Yen, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture (New York, NY)
  • Lowell Young, Treasurer, Mariposa County Democratic Central Committee (Mariposa, CA)
  • Weijun Zhao, Director, Office of China Programs, Michigan State University (Detroit, Michigan)
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